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Avi Sic Dives into the Creative Process Behind ‘Control Me’: A Fusion of Tech and Bass House

Avi Sic Dives into the Creative Process Behind ‘Control Me’: A Fusion of Tech and Bass House

In this exclusive interview, we sit down with DJ/Producer Avi Sic to discuss the creation of her latest track ‘Control Me.’ She shares insights into her creative process, from initial inspiration to final touches, revealing her fusion of Tech House and Bass House elements; she also delves into her workflow and challenges faced, highlighting the meticulous crafting of the track’s pounding beat and infectious vocal hooks.  
As she continues to push boundaries and explore new sounds, fans can anticipate more high-energy releases showcasing her unique style and evolving sound, in the meantime, let’s dive in and learn more about the behind the scenes process of ‘Control Me.’ 

Hello Avi Sic, how’s it going? Congratulations on the release of ‘Control Me’! 

Thank you! I’m really stoked to have this one on Bijou’s DND RECS. This has been a goal label of mine for a minute. 

With the release of this new track, what’s the reception been like from listeners so far? 

Have had some great support so far! Juicy M, R3WIRE, and Bexxie have played it on their live streams. It’s picking up steam. People seem to be digging it. 

When you set out to produce this new track, did you have any specific intentions that you wanted to achieve? Was there a particular sound that you were striving towards or was the production of ‘Control Me’ a seemingly natural process? 

I had a darker idea in mind for this one. Something groovy. It really did just happen organically. Yeah, natural for sure. That’s how you know it’s a good one.  

You have become known for your signature blend of Tech House and Bass House, which elements of ‘Control Me’ would you say highlight this union of styles the most and are most important to showcase your sound? 

The bass and kick groove has that Tech House feel. I added the crazy synths to give it more of that Bass House feel. This one is really borderline on genres. It’s definitely different.  

Tell us about your usual workflow when you set out to create a track. Did this differ at all with this new production? 

I pretty much sit down on a blank slate and start hammering out midi notes. Once I find a melody or a sound or a bass riff I like, I commit and just build upon that.  

The pounding beat and driving bassline of ‘Control Me’ work together to grow the mighty-sounding low end of the track. What did your approach look like when it came to creating the integral elements of the track? Tell us about your process when it came to building the soundscape. 

I’m obsessed with sound FX and SFX, so I always add a bunch of ambience and random weird sounds in my tracks to give it more depth. I try a lot of different things before making decisions. It’s a lengthy process for me. But it pays off with the end result. 

Was there any part of the production of ‘Control Me’ that you struggled with? Did you face any obstacles that you had to overcome? 

Finishing a track is my worst enemy. I have probably close to 100 projects on my desktop. I have to really love it to put in the time and effort to see it through to the end. I wouldn’t call it a struggle, but it’s definitely work and long nights to dial everything in to where I’m ultimately happy. 

In terms of timeline, how long did the overall production of ‘Control Me’ take to complete? Did this differ at all from your previous releases? 

This one falls in line with others. If I had to guess, I’d say about a month from start to finish. I’m easily distracted and went a few different ways with these, until trashing some alternate ideas and going full throttle on this version. 

‘Control Me’ features an infectious vocal hook; where did the idea to add a vocal element to the track come from? As a Producer who often uses vocal samples in her work, do you have any go-to techniques when it comes to manipulating and processing vocals to ensure they sit well in your mixes? 

A track without any vocals is a hard sell for streaming and playing out in general, so I always want some kind of vocal on my track. I searched for a phrase that could be repeated to use as the hook element. Something that fits the chill yet ominous vibe. I played with the vocal a lot. Call and response, echo, delay, etc. Soothe helped dial it in on the mixing end… I also have a dope rack from Westend that is my go to. 

Where do you see your sound progressing next? What can fans expect to hear from Avi Sic’s upcoming releases? 

The records I’m working on now are super high energy. Still Tech and Bass focused, but really dope in a big room. Using some more Techno elements and Acid grooves in addition to my Left field synth work. Excited to share more soon!  

As we finish this interview, we thank Avi Sic for making time to chat with us and for sharing more details about the work and efforts involved in creating hard-hitting tracks like ‘Control Me,’ With the track already garnering positive feedback and support from notable DJs, she looks forward to sharing more of her energetic and innovative productions with her audience, so stay tuned for more music, projects and live shows to come from this exciting and talented Producer in the months to come. 

Listen and Buy ‘Control Me’ Now:

Avi Sic Online   

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